WWE RAW Results October 2nd 2017, Latest RAW winners and many more

Seth Rollins vs Braun Strowman

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Seth Rollins learnt fast what The Monster Among Men brought to the table
Seth Rollins started off aggressively with kicks but it only took one run through for Strowman to knock The Architect down. He lifted Seth up to his shoulders but he escaped and slapped him. An angry Braun started chasing him outside but Rollins jumped back and forth and attacked Braun once again. Strowman just lifted him up and threw him in the air and he fell face flat!
Strowman took further control as he threw Rollins into the turnbuckle. Rollins stunned Strowman for a second when he shoved his face into the ropes. He attempted a top-rope jump but Braun man-handled(or MonsterhandledThe Kingslayer and flung him down.
Rolins once again stunned Strowman and tricked him into falling over the top ropes. He tried to keep the momentum alive but Strowman once again ran into him and laid him out.
After the commercial break, Rollins raised his foot to prevent Strowman running into him. He tried a mid-turnbuckle jump but got caught and flung outside by The Monster Among Men. Outside the ring, Strowman threw him into the ring post and when he tried to slam him into another ring post, Rollins slipped back and pushed Strowman into the ring post. He followed this up with two suicide dives onto Strowman.
He put him back in the ring and hit two shots from the top rope. He hit a top turnbuckle blockbuster onto Strowman and just got a one count! He hit two consecutive Superkicks and when he tried the Kingslayer, he got ploughed with a clothesline. He hit the running powerslam and pinned him clean.
Braun Strowman defeated Seth Rollins
After the match, he hit another running powerslam and exited the ring. He looked back and indicated that he wasn't done with Rollins, but Dean Ambrose came out. Strowman began attacking him but Ambrose caught him, stunning him in the ring. He began his attack on Strowman, but just like his tag team partner learned, not much offence worked on The Monster Among Men. He power slammed him twice and walked away.
Cesaro and Sheamus entered as he walked away. Cesaro hit a neutralizer on Dean Ambrose and Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Seth Rollins. They posed.

Elias vs Titus O' Neil

Elias started with trashing Denver straight up even before singing. He sang and gained some great heat before getting cut off by Titus. During the match, the crowd actually chanted for Titus. Now that's some great heel work by Elias.
The crowd got pumped as Titus did his "Urah Urhah Urah" thing. Outside the ring, Elias pushed Apollo Crews, who held back on attacking and getting Titus DQ'd. Titus pulled Elias' hair to the apron but Elias stunned him and then hit the drift away on Titus for the win.
Elias defeated Titus O' Neil
Apolo Crews entered the ring and confronted him, leading Elias to walk away.

Mickie James vs Nia Jax

Alexa Bliss came out to be at ringside. The match started off with Nia running through Mickie James and flinging her around. She had Mickie in a bear hug soon after. Mickie James' best efforts weren't really working as the dominant Nia Jax continued to do what she does best: dominate.
Mickie gained a temporary advantage with a series of kicks but Nia lifted her up and speared her down for a two-count. Alexa continued to focus on from the outside. They were repeating a previous spot and Mickie managed to gain the advantage again, targeting Nia's legs.
Unsurprisingly, Nia dumped her in the corner. Mickie continued to fight out and planted a tornado DDT on Nia. Alexa Bliss came inside the ring and broke the pinfall attempt.
Mickie James defeated Nia Jax by DQ
She cleared Mickie from the ring and checked on Nia Jax, who was still out from the tornado DDT. Outside the ring, Mickie James fought back and kicked Alexa out of her senses, standing tall.

Matt Hardy and Jason Jordan vs Gallows & Anderson

The match took place over Gallows & Anderson calling Jordan a nerd. Matt and Jordan basically squashed Gallows & Anderson. They cleared the former champions from the ring before the break.
After the break, it was the former RAW Tag Team Champions that were in control. Jordan got the hot tag and took out Gallows before hitting a beautiful suplex onto Anderson in the ring. Gallows slyly tagged in and kicked Jordan, who didn't know that he was tagged in.
Gallows hit a few elbows and tagged in Anderson, who had him in an armlock. On a side note, Booker T and Corey Graves' exchange about Jason Jordan was absolutely hilarious!
Matt Hardy tagged in and took out both Gallows and Anderson as the crowd chanted "Delete". Gallows gained control for The Good Brothers but ended up eating a DDT followed by an elbow drop. Anderson broke the pin and Jordan cleared him from the ring but Anderson ended up slamming Jordan against the barricade.
Back in the ring, Anderson tagged back in and the two used the numbers game, hitting a Magic Killer on Matt Hardy for the win.
Gallows & Anderson defeated Matt Hardy and Jason Jordan

The Miz vs Roman Reigns - Intercontinental Championship match

The Miz and The Miztourage mocked The Shield's entrance as they entered from the crowd. Roman Reigns paced quickly to the ring. Right before the bell rang, Roman Reigns went outside the ring and absolutely destroyed The Miztourage.
He took a steel chair from underneath the ring and went after Curtis Axel. He proceeded to smash him with the steel chair. Bo Dallas jumped him from behind and nearly hit him with the steel chair, but was met with the superman punch and continuous shots to the back with the steel chair. Roman went crazy attacking them both with steel chairs.
His focus shifted towards The Miz, who he stared at straight down. The match started after the commercial break. The action started outside the ring as Roman was slamming The Miz against the barricade.
The Miz threw Roman Reigns over the barricade and went back inside the ring, nearly getting a count-out win. Roman came back just on time at 9 but ate a beautiful DDT from the champion.
Denver was quite the pro-Roman crowd, which doesn't happen very often. Back after the break, Roman Reigns was taking "IT" Kicks from Roman before getting caught and hit by a powerbomb.
The Miztourage actually managed to land The Skull Crushing Finale but Roman Reigns kicked out at 2.9999. Nice spot but obviously Roman was going to kick out.
Roman Reigns hit a crazy superman punch and this time it was The Miz who kicked out at 2.9999. The Miz truly sold that like a champ.
As he was getting ready for a spear, Cesaro and Sheamus pulled his legs from underneath and attacked him. DQ finish.
Roman Reigns defeated The Miz by DQ
Despite Roman's attempt's to fight back, the numbers game was too much as The Miz and the Bar took out Reigns. The 3-time WWE Champion ate a Brogue Kick and a Skull Crushing Finale. The Miz then shook hands with both men. Outside the ring, the three men were discussing something. They walked back in the ring and triple powerbombed Roman as The Miz did "Oooooah!". They then posed like The Shield did. It's finally happening people!

Finn Balor addresses Bray Wyatt

Finn Balor came out and talked about Bray Wyatt again and called him out for calling himself "A God" and whatnot. He said he saw Bray for what he really is: A coward. He told Bray "not to sing it, but bring it".
Bray was still in the rocking chair saying "She never lied to me". He told Balor that he's a liar and that Sister Abigail was dying to meet him. Some graphics made him look like a zombie when smoke blew over. He was laughing. When will this feud end?

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs Emma and Alicia Fox

Sasha Banks and Emma started things off in the tag match as Bayley was pumping the crowd up. Bayley was tagged in and having fun rolling over Emma like a kid.
Alicia Fox was in the ring after the break, dominating Sasha Banks. She tagged Emma back in as the crowd was rallying for Sasha. The Boss seemed to be bleeding in the mouth.
Alicia Fox was in control of Sasha as she and Emma tagged in and out. A cheap spot saw Emma distract the referee and Fox pull Sasha's hair.
Sasha finally pushed Alicia into Emma and tagged in Bayley, who went aggressively at the veteran. Alicia Fox then held and slammed Bayley by the jaw. She was about to tag in Emma, but Emma pulled her hand away and walked away. Bayley hit the Bayley-to-Belly on Alicia Fox for the win.
Sasha Banks and Bayley defeated Emma and Alicia Fox

Enzo Amore addresses the Cruiserweight division

Enzo Amore came out wearing sunglasses that would make you want to smack his face even more. He told the entire Cruiserweight Division to go to hell and anyone who agrees with them to go to hell too.
Enzo addressed that there was pindrop silence during Cruiserweight matches but when he came he brought the noise. He started bragging more about putting 205 Live on the map.
