WWE SmackDown Live Results October 3rd 2017, Latest SmackDown winners

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The go-home episode for Hell in a Cell opened with the entire roster paying tribute to the Las Vegas shooting tragedy victims.
Being the go-home show, the odds were heavily stacked against WWE to put on a great show. RAW was a snoozefest and NFL returned; WWE had its hands full.
But did they deliver? What happened in the latest chapter in the heated rivalry between Shane O'Mac and Kevin Owens?

Opening segment

Renee Young welcomed the fans in Denver and introduced Jinder Mahal's opponent at Hell in a Cell, Shinsuke Nakamura.
The crowd was hot! Nuclear hot for the King of Strong Style! They chanted for Nakamura until Young had to abruptly interrupt. Good stuff Denver!
Renee asked Nakamura about Mahal's racially sensitive comments, and the Artist just replied by saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". 
His promo was cut short by The Singh Brothers, who came out to a new theme song.
The introduced the Modern Day Maharaja, who blindsided a clueless Nakamura who was focused on the ramp. Nakamura initially retaliated with a string of knees but the numbers game got the better of him. The WWE Champion first stunned him with a kick and finished him off with the Khalas.

Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch vs. Natalya & Carmella

This was another recycled combination from WWE's bag of tricks as the four top stars of the women's division went head to head in a tag team match.
Becky Lynch began the match strong against Carmella, but eventually got isolated by the heels after the commercial break.Becky answered with a roll-up and then tagged in Charlotte. The crowd went ballistic for the hot tag as the Oueen goes yakuza on Natalya's chest.
She revered a pinfall attempt. Meanwhile, Becky and Carmella brawled outside as Charlotte took Natalya down with a wicked spear.
A distraction by Carmella courtesy of a briefcase shot to Becky gave Natalya the opening to lock Charlotte in the Sharpshooter.
The Queen's flair fizzled out as she tapped writhing in pain.
Natalya & Carmella def. Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch
To see :- https://youtu.be/HmzlqZKA9GM

A Glorious squash

The Power of Love just ain't working for Mike Kanellis. He got steamrolled by Bobby Roode this week in a match that served as a precursor to the segment that followed.
Dolph Ziggler cut short Roode's celebration and did he do CM Punk's entrance? Sadly, all we got were CM Punk chants and annoying Ambulance noise. Ziggler can't play the drums!
He had horns, confetti and god know what! He claimed he will expose Roode for being 'Nothing but an entrance'. Roode, though, ended the segment on a high as he showed the Show-Off how it's actually done!
He wrapped it up with a Glorious taunt.

Build-up to an instant classic

The Usos came out to cut one last promo before they go up against the New Day for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship.
They talked trash about the champions and transitioned into a passionate piece, talking about elevating the SmackDown Tag Team title and the division.
The arena erupted as New Day interrupted. Dressed in red with the blue tag team straps distinctly standing out, Kofi spoke about selling merch and introduced the exclusive New Day undies. He flung one in the crowd and entered the ring.
The champs cut a brilliant promo as they highlighted the history between the two teams and the fact that they've been show-stealers at the past few PPVs.
They promised to walk out of Hell in a Cell as champions, not before tearing the house down to bits!

Baron Corbin vs. Tye Dillinger

The two United States title contenders kicked off their match with neither man getting an advantage as a commercial break. Corbin, an expected, took control of the match,
The night of short matches continued as this was ended in an abrupt roll-up finish for Tye Dillinger. A big upset considering Corbin is scheduled to face AJ Styles for the US Championship at Hell in a Cell.
Dillinger def. Corbin
A distraught Corbin was then confronted by Styles on the big screen. The Face that runs the place said it felt nice seeing him fall short. Styles took numerous digs at the Lone Wolf, but it all came to nothing. They didn't announce a triple threat! Why?!?
Anyway, The Phenomenal One looks to be the favourite to retain.

Aiden English vs. Randy Orton

Aiden English finally stepped up to save a predictably boring go-home episode of SmackDown. Aiden and English express their displeasure over Orton spoiling last week's Rusev Day celebration.
We're behind Machka on this one. Rusev day is sacred!
Orton interrupted the proceedings and looked like he just wanted to whoop butt! The match kicked off with English getting the better of Orton in the early going until the inevitable happened.
RKO Outta Nowhere! 1...2...3! A neat job from the Viper. The Lion of Bulgaria, as Corey Graves put it, looked to sneak behind the Viper. Orton had him covered and stared Rusev into retreating.
Randy Orton def. Aiden English

All hell broke loose!

Sami Zayn and Shane McMahon had an exchange before the final segment of the night. Zayn seemed concerned about Shane's well-being, but the SD Live seemed confident in taking Owens to hell.
He made his way out to the ring and wasted no time in calling the Prizefighter out. Shane O'Mac dropped a bomb when he added a new stipulation to their Hell in a Cell match.
Falls count anywhere! Something MASSIVE is going down!
Owens finally came out of hiding and mocked Shane's theme song. He maintained a safe distance from Shane as he surrounded himself with fans. Shane reminded him that this was supposed to be a face-to-face confrontation.
McMahon called Owens a coward and began chasing him in the crowd. Things went from crazy to insane as the two brawled backstage. Vintage Owens on display as he powerbombed Shane through a merch table! Bonkers!
He slowly made his way back to the ring and sent out a final message to the McMahons before Hell in a Cell. He vowed to exploit the falls count anywhere stipulation to his advantage in a chilling promo.
The crowd popped in the middle of the promo as Shane McMahon emerged from the tunnel in the crowd.
He jumped from the barricade onto Owens and the two exchanged blows. This is Awesome chants echo around the arena as Crazy Shane completely loses it!
Owens, though, outpowered a fatigued McMahon to deliver a superkick. Owens connected with a headbutt and ended the segment in brutal fashion with a cringe-worthy pop-up powerbomb to Shane. That looked nasty!
Another great ending to another lacklustre go-home show of SmackDown Live!
