Chris Jericho reveals his most embarrassing memory of working with The Rock

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Things didn't always run smoothly between the two superstars.
Chris Jericho and The Rock are two of WWE’s most successful stars, excelling as faces and heels during their careers as well as finding success away from the ring in the entertainment industry. Both men hit the peak of their powers during the Attitude Era but The Rock was already an established top talent when Jericho made the jump from WCW. So, when the two faced off, it was Y2J, who was desperate to impress his opponent, Vince McMahon and the other top WWE brass watching from backstage. Things didn’t exactly go smoothly for the Canadian and he rates a particular incident in their first match against each other as the most embarrassing moment he has ever had while working one-on-one with “The Great One”.
The Rock and Chris Jericho have wrestled as allies and enemies.
The Rock and Chris Jericho have wrestled as allies and enemies.
Speaking on his podcast, Talk Is Jericho, Chris explains that during the bout, the action spilt into the crowd and, wanting to gain some cheap heel heat, Jericho looked fervently around for a foreign object to grab to use against “The People’s Champion”. Spotting a drinks cup, he immediately hurled the contents into the eyes of his opponent, hoping to blind the fan favourite with beer and get some solid boos from the baying crowd. Rather than foamy suds, however, a thick brown liquid covered The Rock’s face and Jericho quickly realised he had doused one of WWE’s top stars with chewing tobacco spit. The Rock, blinded and confused by the foul-smelling phlegm, was understandably freaked out and Jericho would go on to apologise “a thousand times” for the mistake. The Rock allegedly showered for 45 minutes that night! The two wrestlers would go on to become both great allies and fierce rivals, developing a strong friendship away from the company despite this terrible start.
You can watch the full clip here:
