The Christmas edition of RAW took place in Chicago, the hometown of CM Punk. We were greeted with "CM Punk" chants early on but the show was good overall with 2 big title matches.
John Cena returns to RAW

Christmas RAW kicked off with the returning John Cena. Cena started off by presenting his shirt and cap to a special young fan in the crowd. Cena then wished the fans a merry Christmas before addressing how he and the fans had their ups and downs over the years.
We heard a guitar strum as Cena stopped in his tracks. Elias appeared on the ramp and made his way down the ramp. Elias stated that WWE stood for Walk With Elias which got a pop from the fans. A “CM Punk” chant started and Elias shut it down by telling the fans that Punk wouldn’t be showing up. Cena welcomed Elias to Chicago.
Elias then sat down on his stool to perform a special Christmas song. The “CM Punk” chants grew louder as Elias started. The chants soon turned to boos. Cena cut Elias off after a couple of lines and told him off for being a jerk.
Elias started his song again and invited Cena to join in. As Cena turned around, Elias clocked him with a right hand to take him down. Elias then said both Christmas and Chicago were overrated before assaulting Cena again. Elias took the mic and called out a referee as he challenged Cena to a match.
John Cena vs Elias

The referee came out and rang the bell as Elias started off strong, hammering Cena. Elias put Cena in a tree of woe in the corner before hitting a double stomp from the top rope while Cena was still hanging.
Elias continued to hammer the 16-time champion and talk trash as the match continued. Elias took Cena to the top rope where Cena tried to hit him with a superplex. Elias slid out of danger and hit Cena with a sitout Powerbomb for a 2-count.
Elias continued to dominate Cena but Cena managed to lock in an STF out of nowhere. Elias struggled and managed to turn around and kick Cena away. Elias hit Cena with a knee strike before Cena replied with a sunset flip into another STF lock. Elias crawled and reached the ropes again. Elias hit a modified Drift Away for a nearfall.
Cena then stunned Elias out of nowhere and hit him with a suplex to set up the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena then hit the AA for the win.
John Cena def. Elias
We got a backstage segment with Kurt Angle. He told Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins that they would get a title match against Cesaro and Sheamus. Roman Reigns showed up next and Angle told him that he would be in a title match with Samoa Joe.
We got a backstage segment with Kurt Angle. He told Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins that they would get a title match against Cesaro and Sheamus. Roman Reigns showed up next and Angle told him that he would be in a title match with Samoa Joe.
Brian Kendrick vs Hideo Itami

Kendrick said he wasn’t impressed with Itami and couldn’t wait to find out what Itami would bring to the table.
Itami and Kendrick traded uppercuts as the match began before Itami hit a nasty running knee to Kendrick’s gut to take him down. Jack Gallagher got on the apron for the distraction and Kendrick capitalized with a dropkick.
Kendrick followed it up with a dropkick and worked on Itami’s back. Itami regrouped and hit Kendrick with the GTS for the win.
Hideo Itami def. Brian Kendrick
Absolution vs Sasha Banks, Bayley and Mickie James

Sasha and Mandy Rose started off the match. Sasha took control and tagged in Mickie James. Both women made tags as Bayley and Sonya Deville came in. Bayley powered Sonya into the corner before tagging in Sasha. They hit a double suplex as Deville rolled out of the ring. Sasha followed her out and Deville took her out with a nasty clothesline.
Sonya tagged in Mandy who locked in a standing submission. Sasha almost broke free and came close to making a tag but Mandy pulled her away and tagged in Devile. Deville was all over Sasha, hammering her into the mat before she tagged in Paige.
Paige took Sasha down with a clothesline and tagged in Mandy Rose. Mandy came in and hit a running step-up knee strike and locked in her standing submission again. This time Sasha broke free but she still couldn’t make the tag. Sasha sent Mandy crashing into Deville and finally tagged Bayley in as Paige tagged herself in.
Bayley was all over Paige and knocked Deville off the apron to stop Paige from making the tag. Bayley then hit a Bayley-To-Belly but Deville pulled Paige out before Bayley could pin her.
All six women brawled at ringside before Bayley hit Paige with a stunner against the middle rope. Bayley then went to the top rope but Paige booted her off and hit the Rampaige for the win.
Absolution def. Sasha Banks, Bayley and Mickie James
Kane vs Heath Slater

This match was step 1 of Rhyno’s plan to toughted his tag-team partner up.
Kame was all over Slater as soon as the match began and Heath had to roll out of the ring to regroup. As soon as he got back in, Kane threw him out again. Slater looked to rally as he hit Kane with a guillotine. Kane had other plans as he chokeslammed Slater for the win.
Kane def. Heath Slater
Kane chokeslammed Rhyno after the match for good measure.
Curt Hawkins vs Finn Balor
Curt Hawkins was out next. He admitted that he himself needed to face the facts because of his 2017 win/loss record. He added that he felt that his luck was about to change and issued an open challenge.
Balor came out to meet Hawkins and beat him in about 2 minutes. There wasn’t really anything to write about the match. Balor hit the slingblade and followed it with the Coup de Grace for the win.
Finn Balor def. Curt Hawkins
Bray Wyatt gets a rude shock
Bray Wyatt made his way down to the ring, possibly for a match or a promo but he got jumped from behind as soon as he entered the ring. Matt Hardy attacked Bray from behind and cleared him out of the ring before laughing into the mic in his trademark “woken” manner.
Enzo, Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari vs Cedric Alexander, Akira Tozawa and Mustafa Ali (Miracle on 34th Street fight)

Enzo came out dressed as Santa and Gulak and Daivari were his helpers. The babyfaces were in control for the opening stages of the match as Tozawa and Ali hit over-the-top-rope dives as we headed to commercial.
When we came back from the break, the tide had turned. Enzo Irish Whipped Tozawa into a Christmas tree before hitting Alexander with a cheapshot. Tozawa met him with an enzeguiri and both men made tags.
Ali came in and hit Daivari with a dropkick and followed it with a facebuster. He then headed to the top rope and hit the inverted 450 Splash and went for the cover. Gulak came in and broke it up.
Enzo and Cedric were the legal men. Enzo tried to hit Cedric with a candycane kendo stick but Cedric caught it and sent Enzo packing. He then unloaded on Gulak. Daivari came in and tried to roll Cedric up but he broke free and hit the Lumbar Check for the win.
Cedric Alexander, Akira Tozawa and Mustafa Ali def. Enzo, Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari
We saw Enzo and Nia backstage. They realized they were under the mistletoe and were about to kiss when Alexa interrupted and called Nia away.
Roman Reigns (C) vs Samoa Joe (for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)
Joe started off strong, hammering right hands into Reigns. Reigns regrouped and hit a Drive-By. Joe connected with a headbutt as soon as Reigns got back in and followed it up with a back suplex. Joe continued pounding Roman and followed it up with an enzeguiri for a 2-count as we headed to commercial.
We came back from the break to see Roman hitting a Samoan Drop for a 2-count. He followed it up with a Superman Punch for the nearfall. Roman looked to finish it off with a Spear but Joe blocked it with a kick. He then hit the Uranage Slam for the nearfall.
Roman guillotined Joe against the top rope but Joe replied by locking in the Coquina Clutch. It looked over but Roman somehow reached the ropes. Joe followed it up with a suicide dive, causing Reigns to bounce off the barricade.
Roman lost control of his temper and kept taking shots at Joe till the referee disqualified him.
Samoa Joe wins by DQ
Roman continued tearing into Joe at ringside with the steel steps, causing Joe to collapse in a heap.
Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel vs Braun Strowman
Dallas and Axel came out not knowing who their opponents were. It turned out to be Strowman and the look on Axel’s face told the story. Braun destroyed both Miztourage members before pinning Dallas after a Running Powerslam.
Braun Strowman def. Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel
Braun wasn’t done. He hit Bo with another Running Powerslam and hit Axel with two.
Alexa Bliss addresses the WWE Universe
Alexa wished the fans a "Happy Blissmas" before moving on to explain how 2017 was the year of Alexa Bliss - she started the year as SmackDown Women's Champion and was ending it as RAW Women's Champion.
Alexa continued and moved on to talk about the Women's Royal Rumble and how she had orchestrated it. Asuka interrupted Alexa and came to the ring to announce that she would be part of the Women's Royal Rumble. Asuka then kicked Alexa across the head.
Cesaro and Sheamus (C) vs Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan (for the RAW Tag-Team Championships)
Sheamus and Jordan started us off as Jordan gave us a glimpse of his inredible strength. Cesaro hit Jordan with a cheapshot and tagged himself in. ROllins came in and cleaned house before hitting both Cesaro and Sheamus with a suicide dive as we headed to commercial.
The Bar were in complete control of Rollins after the break. They subdued him and kept double-teaming him. The Bar kept Rollins isolated and took out Jordan when he went to Rollins' aid. Seth finally managed to tag in his partner and Jordan took the fight to both Cesaro and Sheamus. He looked to have things in control when he got double-teamed again and Cesaro locked in a Sharpshooter.
Rollins broke it up. Cesaro and Sheamus hit Jordan with a double-team Powerbomb/Elbow combo. Rollins came back in and brawled with Cesaro as Sheamus locked in a Cloverleaf.
The Bar went for another double-team but Rollins caused a distraction and then sent Sheamus into the steel steps.
Cesaro hit Rollins with an uppercut at ringside before getting back into the ring. Jordan met him with his finisher and against all odds, picked up the win, We have new RAW Tag-Team Champions. Wow.
Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins def. Sheamus and Cesaro
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