WWE RAW 25 Results 22nd January 2018, Latest Monday Night Raw winners and many more.

Vince McMahon returns to RAW

RAW kicked off with Shane and Stephanie in the middle of the ring. They thanked the fans and the production team for playing their part as unsung heroes before we moves on to a video package.
After the video package, Shane and Stephanie invited Vince McMahon out. He received a raucous response from the fans who sang along with his theme before chanting “Thank you Vince”. Shane and Stephanie then presented Vince with a plaque.
Vince wasn’t happy at getting just a plaque after 25 years and berated Stephanie, Shane and the fans for getting him just a plaque. He then said that he was the only one who was responsible for RAW’s success when Stone Cold came out.
Vince told Austin that he was just an old man now but Shane was in his prime, which led to Austin stunning Shane instead. Vince then brought out the beer but Stone Cold hit him with a Stunner anyway. Austin handed Shane another beer as he struggled to get to his feet before hitting Shane with a second Stunner.

Asuka, Sasha Banks, Bayley and Mickie James vs Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, Nia Jax and Alicia Fox

The match started with all 8 women brawling before the referee finally restored order. Deville and Asuka started us off after the match legally began, with Asuka taking Deville down and hitting a hip attack before we headed to commercial.
Sasha and Nia were legal as we came back from the break. Sasha hit Nia with a running knee for a 2-count before Nia slammed Sasha onto the mat to regain control. Nia tagged Mandy Rose in, who in turn, tagged in Sonya and they double-teamed Sasha. It was Alicia’s turn next as she came in and hit Sasha with her Northern Lights Suplex. Alicia followed it up with a headlock.
After the headlock, Alicia hit Sasha with a big boot before attacking Sasha in the corner as we headed to a second commercial.
Foxy was still in control after the break. A melee broke out at ringside after Deville attacked Sasha from the outside. Sasha took advantage of it and hit Alicia Fox with a backstabber before locking in the Banks Statement for the 3-count.
Asuka, Sasha Banks, Bayley and Mickie James def. Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, Nia Jax and Alicia Fox

Kurt Angle was backstage where he was joined by none other than Jonathan Coachman. They were soon joined by Harvey Whippleman and the Brooklyn Brawler. Brother Love (Bruce Pritchard) came in next closely followed by Teddy Long. Lastly, the Boogeyman came in and took worms out of his mouth.

Undertaker returns

We moved over to the Manhattan Centre next as the Undertaker made his long awaited return to WWE. Taker took the mic and said that he had begun the carnage 25 years ago – digging holes and anyone who dared step foot into the dark side was buried by him.
Taker went on to say that for 25 years he ripped legends off their pedestals and threw them down onto the cold earth – from Stone Cold to Mick Foley, they all answered to the reaper.
Undertaker ended his promo by saying that everyone who’d fallen would rest in peace.

We’re backstage with the APA playing Poker with Slater and Rhyno. After JBL had cleaned Slater out, the Million Dollar Man showed up with the Million Dollar Championship.
We got a number of former RAW GM’s coming out next – John Laurinitis, William Regal, Eric Bischoff. They were joined by SmackDown GM Daniel Bryan.
The Miz interrupted Bryan and made his way out as we got ready for the Intercontinental Championship match.

Roman Reigns (C) vs The Miz (for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)

Roman showed off his superior strength as soon as the bell rang, pushing Miz away. Miz then rolled out of the ring and headed to the top rope. Miz leapt at Roman only to get caught by a right hand.
Roman headed out to ringside and took out Bo Dallas but a distraction from Curtis Axel gave Miz the opening to take Roman down at ringside as we headed to commercial.
We came back from commercial to see Roman back on top. Miz rolled out of the ring only for Roman to follow him out and hit the Drive By. Reigns charged at Miz who sidestepped him, sending Reigns crashing into the ringpost.
Miz then looked for the dirty pin but got a 2-count. Miz followed it up with the “Yes Kick” before Roman got hold of Miz’s leg and hit a sitout Powerbomb.
Reigns followed it up by destroying the Miztourage at ringside. He then hit Miz with a Superman Punch.
As Reigns looked to set up the Spear, Bo and Axel distracted Roman again, this time leading the referee to kick Bo and Axel out.
Miz used the distraction to hit the Skull Crushing Finale but it was just a nearfall. The Miztourage created another distraction. Miz used it to expose one of the turnbuckles.
Miz then sent Roman face-first into the exposed turnbuckle before hitting him with a second Skull Crushing Finale for the win.
The Miz def. Roman Reigns

The Peep Show with Christian feat. Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins

Almost 4 years since the last episode, the Peep Show was back with Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins as the guests. The crowd vociferously booed Jordan as he took the mic, barely letting him talk, despite Jordan trying to thank the fans.
Jodan was on the verge of paying homage to his ‘father’ Kurt Angle when Cesaro and Sheamus interrupted.
Sheamus cut a promo on his way to the ring, saying that all the legends had been lining up to take photos with them. Cesaro then told Jordan that it was not his dad who sucked, he sucked.
Rollins had enough and wiped Sheamus out of the ring and hit him with a suicide dive. Jordan then held Cesaro as Rollins went for a springboard knee. However, Cesaro moved away and Rollins hit Jordan by mistake.

‘Broken’ Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt

Wyatt vs Hardy started off fast as Bray went for the Sister Abigail right away. We returned from a quick commercial to see the showmanship of the two men as they faced off.
Matt hit a side-effect for a 2-count before ‘DELETE’ chants broke out. Bray followed it up with a Sister Abigail for the win. 
Bray Wyatt def. Matt Hardy

Chris Jericho returns to RAW

Elias was on his way out to the arena where he met Chris Jericho backstage. Y2J noticed how Elias also had a scarf and asked for the latter's guitar to play a song Jericho had wrte about it. When Elias refused Jericho took out his own guitar before adding Elias (and his scarf) to the List of Jericho.

Elias gets confronted by John Cena

Elias found it incredible that it had taken WWE 25 years to sign him before he invited the fans the Walk With Elias. He then moved on to sing a special song he'd written for New York.
Elias took a shot a Jimmy Fallon who was on the front row, telling Fallon he'd show him how it was done. He then moved on to sing his song berating WWE legends and Brooklyn when Cena's music hit.
John Cena came out to interrupt Elias, sending him out to ringside. Elias got back in and faced off with Cena, before trying ambush him from behind. Cena got the better of Elias and almost hit him with the AA, only for Elias to slip out and low blow Cena. Elias then hit Cena with his guitar, smashing it on Cena's head.

Apollo Crews and Titus O' Neil vs Heath Slater and Rhyno

This match was there just as a filler. As soon as the commercial ended, the match ended in no contest.
No contest
The Dudley Boyz came out and took the ring. Rhyno, Titus and Apollo threw Slater into the ring and to the Dudleys. D-Von hit Slater with the flying headbutt before Bubba Ray told D-Von to get the tables.
A few seconds later, Slater went through the table courtesy of the 3D.

DX return

We head back to the Manhattan Center again as Triple H and Shawn Michaels come out. Triple H thanked the fans as Michaels told HHH that he used to be the boss of DX, now Triple H was the boss of everything.
Triple H recounted how DX invaded WCW before adding that the Manhattan Center was home for RAW. He then invited the New Age Outlaws out. They were followed out by X-Pac.
X-Pac then invited Scott Hall out. Hall added that a party on RAW wasn't possible without the 'bad guy'.
DX and Hall were joined by Finn Balor and The Club. Everyone in the ring Too Sweet-ed when The Revival interrupted.

Anderson and Gallows vs The Revival

There was nothing to really write about since the match was so short. Wilder got pinned by Anderson after a Magic Killer.
Anderson and Gallows def. The Revival
After the match, Dash and Dawson took turns to eat finish moves from the legends, ending with a Coup de Grace from Balor.

Braun Strowman, Kane and Brock Lesnar face-off

Kurt Angle came out with the ring being surrounded by Superstars for protection for the inevitable clash from these behemoths.
Brock came out last and flattened Strowman at ringside before F5ing Kane. Brock then went for a German Suplex on Braun but Braun hit him with a nasty elbow before hitting Brock with a running Powerslam through the announcer's table. Deja vu.
