WWE RAW Results 29th January 2018, Latest Monday Night Raw winners and many more.

Cena main even
It's been a while since we saw Cena main event Raw. He did so tonight against a dream opponent.
A new logo and theme, the return of Jonathan Coachman on commentary and some massive Elimination Chamber build up; Raw started off with great promise on the heels of a solid royal Rumble.
And did we mention the first time ever showdown between John Cena and Finn Balor to determine who gets a spot in the men's Elimination Chamber match? The fallout Raw for Rumble felt like a PPV and we certainly weren't complaining.
Here are the results and highlights:

Opening segment

Stephanie McMahon opened the show and spoke about the HISTORIC Royal Rumble and Ronda Rousey's much-anticipated return. Most importantly she focussed on the woman of the hour, the one no is ready for, Asuka.
Asuka made her way to the ring to a great pop while Stephanie looked on proudly. McMahon announced that Alexa Bliss will defend her Raw Women's title at the Elimination Chamber in the first ever Women's EC match. Asuka cut a feisty promo in Japenese, thanked the fans and vowed to become champion at WrestleMania while doing the customary pointing towards the WM sign.
The Boss interrupted the proceedings. She took the mic and claimed that she was ready for Asuka tonight and Stephanie wasted no time in booking the dream clash for tonight.
That was not all as Finn Balor was scheduled to face John Cena for the first time ever in the EC qualifying match. Also, Reigns would invoke his IC title rematch clause against The Miz and would face him tonight.

Braun Strowman vs. Kane (Elimination Qualifying Last Man Standing match)


The Monster among Men and The Big Red Machine made their way to the ring for what promised to be a chaotic affair. It didn't take time for the action to pick up as Strowman went on the offensive from the get-go
The two behemoths brawled near the announcer's table and Strowman was well in control. He ended the match in abrupt fashion as he flipped the announcer's table on top of Kane, forcing the referee to call for the bell and adjudge him as the winner.
Strowman advanced to the Elimination Chamber match and how! Strowman reemerged on the ramp while the medical team tended to a lifeless Kane. Corey Graves asked Strowman about his actions and Strowman justified it by saying it was what Kurt Angle asked for.
Angle wanted the last man standing and he got a monster standing tall. The fans poped and Raw cut to a commercial break.

Elias vs. Matt Hardy


Elias strummed his guitar much to the joy of the fans in attendance and addressed Royal Rumble and being eliminated by John Cena. He said that Cena has what it's coming to him and then focused his attention on his opponent for the night, Matt Hardy.
He then sang a WrestleMania special single. He was cut short by Matt Hardy, who came out for the second qualifying match of the night against the Drifter.

Elias dominated for most parts of the match in an aggressive fashion and won the match after Bray Wyatt's distraction cost the WOKEN one a spot in at Elimination Chamber.
The WWE is well and truly behind the Drifter. It's high time you Walk With Elias too!

Elias def.Hardy

Roman Reigns vs. The Miz (c) (Intercontinental Championship match)

Reigns shut Miz down with a big right to begin the match as he stared the Miztourage down at ringside. The action shifted outside and this was the window Miz needed to gain control of the match and he did so by sending Reign into the steel ring post.
Back from the break, Reigns looked to get back on top with the ten clotheslines in the corner followed by the big boot to the face. He scouted Miz for the spear but got taken out by a chop block to his left leg.
Miz unleashed a barrage of IT kicks and went for the high impact finale but got caught. Reigns picked up him for the powerbomb but Miz reversed into a figure four leg lock. The Nature Boy would be proud. Reigns flipped over and reversed the pressure back on the Miz. The A-Lister wriggled his way to the rope and forced the break.
An insane sit-out powerbomb from Reigns got him a two-count. Miz countered with a Skull Crushing Finale outta nowhere. 1....2....KICKOUT! Reigns somehow managed to get his shoulder up at 2 and a half! The back and forth action continued as Reigns stunned Miz with the Superman Punch.
Dallas and Axel came to the aid of their leader as the referee tried to restore some order. Reigns took both Dallas and Axel out with a Superman Punch. Miz took advantage of the chaos and rolled Reigns up for the 3-count.

The Miz retained

Heath Slater & Rhyno vs. The Revival

It was time for the Top Guys to take center stage on Raw against the frist ever SmackDown Tag Team Champions.
This one didn't last long as the former NXT standouts made quick work of the popular team of Rhyno and Slater. Wilder began working on the body of Heath Slater, who had quite an eventful yet forgettable Rumble. The Revival isolated the former champion and he was certainly not doing well.
Rhyno was finally tagged in but couldn't change the fortuned for his team. A chop block right to the knee followed by a shatter machine by The Revival was all it took.
The Revival treated the hometown crowd over the echoing ECW chants. Top Guys out!

The Revival def. Slater & Rhyno

Sasha Banks vs. Asuka

The Boss grounded Asuka in the early goings with a leg lock. Sasha enjoyed the momentum as she got a two-fall with the double knee. Asuka fought back and tried to wear Sasha down momentarily but the boss regained control with a shoulder stretch. She drove Asuka through the mat and continued to mount the pressure with a verticle suplex.
Both women began exchanging slaps and strikes and this infuriated Asuka. Banks locked in the Bank Statement but the fans seem dead as they know this ain't the end yet.
Banks then went for a suicide dive, but her feet got stuck on the rope and she landed awkwardly on the floor. She almost broke her neck there as a result of the botch. Lucky escape.
The action got back inside the ring as Asuka managed to lock in the armbar on Banks. Banks was reeling in pain but somehow managed to break the hold. The pace picked up as both women looked to for the finish. Banks locked in the Bank Statement on many occasions but Asuka wasn't going to lose her first match just yet.
Asuka went to hit a running hip attack, but Sasha moved out and Asuka came crashing down Sasha hit a flying knee to the face but it wasn't enough. Sasha had Asuka locked in the Bank Statement and looked to be winning, but Asuka slickly moved and countered into an Asuka lock. Tap....tap...tap!

Asuka def. Sasha Banks

The Bar vs. Titus Worldwide (RAW Tag Team Championship Match)


Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews got a surprise tag team title shot against the 4-time champs. Sheamus and Crews kicked things off after the introductions.
Crews got the better of the Celtic Warrior with his speed and agility as he floored the former WWE Champion with a dropkick. Titus got into the action and made a big mistake by taking Sheamus near Cesaro.
Cesaro got tagged in but the momentum was still with O'Neil, whose chops reverberated across the arena.
The heels were on top after the break as Titus struggled to make the hot tag to Crews. Cesaro's exceptional groundwork ensured O'Neil couldn't make it to his corner.
While Worldwide put on a great performance, they fell short as Crews got isolated by tha experienced duo of Sheamus and Cesaro.

The Bar retained

Finn Balor vs. John Cena (Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match)

It was finally time for the main event and boy oh boy, wasn't it a dream match or what!
Cena vs. Balor for the first time ever! Both the real top guys made their entrances and the match kicked off with both jockeying for position.
The fans seemed distracted as the reception for a match of this caliber felt flat. Nonetheless, Cena was the heel in this match as the fans were firmly behind Balor. Balor kept getting the better of Cena but the Cenation leader kept the pressure up. He went for the five-knuckle shuffle and followed it up with an attempted AA, but Balor countered with an overhead kick.
The fans jeered Cena as he just kept saying he wanted to go to WrestleMania. Cena playing to the crowd as a heel here could be signs of things to come on the road to WrestleMania.
The 16-time World Champion finally landed the perfect AA. Pinfall! 1...2....KICKOUT! Balor Kicked out!
Balor got up, went for the Coupe De Grace, but missed and landed badly on his knee. Cena locked in the STF but Balor managed to break it up.
Cena then went for the super Avalanche AA, connected and successfully pinned The Demon King clean.

John Cena def. Balor to qualify for the EC match
