WWE SmackDown Live Results 2nd January 2018, Latest SmackDown Live winners and many more...

The SmackDown Live GM seemed more enthusiasticSmackDown Live kicked off the New Year with quite a happening episode. Find out what you missed below

AJ Styles kicks off the new year

Shane McMahon & Daniel Bryan continued to disagree on perspectives
AJ Styles came out and had two near years resolutions: one, to walk in and out of WrestleMania WWE Champion and two, to beat Sami Zayn in their match later that night.
The WWE Champion talked about the issues with Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and all the chaos that's been going on, and out came General Manager Daniel Bryan. Before Bryan could even get a word in, it was Commissioner Shane McMahon who came out.
Shane said that he had the best intentions for the previous week and even apologised to AJ Styles for having cost him the match. Shane admitted that he knew many thought he had a vendetta against Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn, he felt Bryan had a kinship with them.
Shane was baffled at Bryan's decision to keep Sami Zayn ringside last week and felt that he would allow Kevin Owens ringside later in the night. Shane declared that he would be present if Owens were to be ringside. Bryan also said that he would be ringside too.

The Usos(c) vs Gable & Benjamin - SmackDown Tag Team Champions

The title match was great, but marred by controversy
The action took no time to start. Benjamin threw Jey from the turnbuckle while Gable hit a moonsault on Jimmy. Right after the commercial break, there were suicide dives from both ends by both teams.
Jimmy Uso was taken out at ringside and inside the ring, Jey gets hit with Gable & Benjamin's finisher very quickly and was pinned in what came across as a shocking moment.
As Gable & Benjamin walked away from the ring, another referee came out and conversed with the referee in the ring, seemingly indicating at a mistake made. Jimmy Uso meanwhile, claimed that he was the legal man when Jey got pinned.
A replay showed that both the man who pinned and the man who was pinned were both not legal men. Greg Hamilton then announced a restart to the contest.
Take two
Back after the break, Jey Uso seemed to start hot until the fantastic teamwork of Gable and Benjamin's fantastic teamwork changed things, for the time being.
As Gable and Benjamin attempted their finisher, The Usos smartly countered it and took out Gable before hitting Benjamin with a double superkick and a frog splash.
The Usos defeated Gable & Benjamin to retain the SmackDown Tag Team Champions

Breezango vs The Bludgeon Brothers

The Bludgeon Brothers were only interested in chaos
Bludgeon Brothers jumped the two even before the match started. They took Breezango out and The Ascension came in for the save. Harper & Rowan took out The Ascension as well and stood tall.
The match never took place

Backstage, The New Day had a New Year pancake to blow out. Aiden English and Rusev came in(to a big pop) and the duo taunted The New Day before leaving for their match.
Mojo Rawley cut a promo about how Zack Ryder will go back to the past where he belongs after he beats him in the US title qualifier.

Xavier Woods vs Aiden English - United States Championship tournament

Did The New Day or Rusev Day representative move further in the tournament?
Rusev sang a piece himself to a great crowd response. In the match, Aiden English started off strong. Rusev seemed to be ready to attack Woods, but Rusev responded with "Just kidding". Aiden English used this to lift Xavier up and slam him face first into the steel steps.
Xavier Woods began a comeback and even hit a modified lumbar check onto Aiden English. English soon got the better of him and had him in a Styles Clash position from the top turnbuckles. Xavier reversed this to get Aiden down and hit the top rope elbow for the win.
Xavier Woods defeated Aiden English
Xavier Woods will be facing Jinder Mahal next to qualify for the finals.

Natalya, Tamina & Carmella vs The Riott Squad

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Sarah Logan showed a new side of herself this match
Natalya and Liv Morgan kicked off the action. Sarah Logan was the legal woman soon along with Carmella. Logan's superiority in terms of strength was clear as she had Carmella locked in a vice-like grip. Carmella broke free and tagged in Tamina, who took Logan down with a clothesline before hitting a Samoan Drop.
However, Sarah Logan hit a new finisher on Tamina for the win.
The Riott Squad defeated Natalya, Tamina & Carmella
After the match, Ruby Riott cut a promo about how they're real and that magic isn't real, it really wasn't anything worth note. Charlotte came out and cut a babyface promo in response which really did not come off as natural.
She introduced Naomi and also the returning Becky Lynch. The trio then cleared house.

AJ Styles vs Sami Zayn(w/ Kevin Owens) - Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon at ringside

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With so many egos at ringside, controversy was inevitableSami Zayn and AJ Styles started with back and forth exchanges. Outside the ring, the three at ringside made sure they didn't do anything.
After the break, the WWE Champion started getting the better of Zayn. AJ hit a unique gut-check followed by neckbreaker onto Zayn. Sami Zayn managed to counter a Styles Clash attempt into a blue thunder bomb for near-fall.
A Phenomenal Forearm attempt saw Zayn dodge and shove Styles into the referee, who fell outside the ring. Kevin Owens seemed to be telling the referee something, but it prevented AJ Styles from winning when he had it in the bag with a clean pinfall attempt.
The referee went in too late as Sami kicked out at two. Shane then started attacking Kevin Owens and told the referee to send Owens away, which he obliged. Daniel Bryan then said that if Shane was throwing Owens out, Shane himself should leave. All this chaos caused Sami Zayn to land the Helluva kick and the pin.
Sami Zayn defeated AJ Styles
As KO and Zayn were walking away victoriously, a frustrated AJ Styles told Bryan and Shane that he had no idea who was on whose side, but he said that he could take on both KO and Zayn in a handicap match. Daniel Bryan saw this as an opportunity and announced the WWE title match for the Royal Rumble: A handicap match pitting AJ Styles against KO & Sami Zayn.
