WWE Smackdown Results January 16th 2018, Latest SmackDown Live winners and many more...

SmackDown kicked off with the New Day as they accompanied Xavier Woods to the ring for his WWE US title tournament Semi-finals against Jinder Mahal. Woods cut a promo before the, urging the fans to lend him their strength so he could overcome Mahal and become the WWE United States Champion.
Mahal was introduced, as usual, but Sunil and Samir Singh.

Xavier Woods vs Jinder Mahal (US title tournament semi-finals)

Jinder started the match with a massive side kick as soon as the bell rung, dropping Woods to the mat. Mahal continued the aggression, driving his knee into Woods' back and sternum. Mahal followed it with a modified chin lock but Woods broke out and hit a dropkick.Before Woods could gain more momentum, Mahal took him down with a back elbow.
We came back from the commercial to see the former WWE Champion still in complete control. Mahal continued to drive his knee into Woods as we saw the first signs of discord between New Day and the Singh Brothers at ringside. A "we want pancakes" chants broke out as Woods landed ribs first onto the top rope before dumping him out of the ring.
Woods beat the 10-cout but rolled back into Jinder's clutches, getting sent spine-first into the turnbuckle. Woods got a boot up and went for his rolling forearm, only for Mahal to catch him with a knee to the face.
We came back from commercial again as Woods regrouped and hit a dropkick from the top rope. Woods followed it with a spinning forearm, followed by an enzeguiri. On a roll, Woods then hit a running boot to the face. The Singh brothers got on the apron at this point, forcing Big E and Kofi to chase them out of the arena. Woods went up to the top rope but missed with the elbow. Mahal took advantage, sending Woods face-first into the bottom rope. Mahal followed it up with the Khallas for the win.
A good match to kick off SmackDown. A dominant performance from Jinder Mahal who moves on to the final.
Jinder Mahal def. Xavier Woods

Bobby Roode vs Mojo Rawley (US title tournament semi-finals)

Rooode and Rawley went back and forth early on as Mojo's physicality looked to give him an edge. He took Roode down with a running shoulder charge before continuing the punishment in the corner.Mojo drove Roode out of the ring before following him outside and hitting another running shoulder tackle.
We came back from commercial to see Mojo still on top as he had an abdominal stretch locked in. He followed it up with a boot for a 2-count. Mojo followed it up by driving his knee into Roode's gut. Mojo looked to follow it with a running shoulder tackle in the corner but Roode sidestepped him, sending Mojo shoulder-first into the turnbuckle.
Bobby Roode def. Mojo Rawley
The Singh Brothers attacked Bobby Roode from behind after the match in a hit and run attack. Jinder followed them out to the ramp where Roode challenged him to have their match later on the same night. Jinder refused.
Daniel Bryan came out and to Jinder's dismay, revealed that the match would indeed be taking place later on in the night.
Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Naomi vs The Riott Squad

Charlotte started the match in dominant fashion, squaring up against Ruby Riott. Charlotte hit Ruby with a kick to the jaw before tagging Becky in. Becky hit Riott with a flying forearm from the apron to the floor, after Riott got dumped out of the ring.
We came back from the break to see Liv Morgan take Becky down by the hair before tagging in Sarah Logan. Logan ran down Becky with a shoulder before screaming incoherently at her. Becky sent Logan packing from the ring and tried to crawl and make a tag but Logan came back in on time. Both women still made tags as Noami came in and hit Carmella with a springboard kick.
Ruby Riott caught Naomi with a Riott kick as she bounced off the ropes before Liv Morgan hit a modified Codebreaker for the win.
The Riott Squad def. Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Naomi

Jinder Mahal vs Bobby Roode (for the WWE US Championship)

Bobby Roode still seemed to be feeling some effects from his match against Rawley as he started the match somewhat on the backfoot. Jinder was in control early on but Roode changed that and hit the 10-count punches in the corner. As the action spilt to the ringside, Jinder sent Roode rib-first into the steel stairs before dumping him onto the barricade.
We came back from commercial to see Jinder Mahal in firm control of the match. The former WWE Champion locked in another abdominal stretch. He followed it by Irish Whipping Roode and followed it with a jumping knee strike.
Roode rolled Jinder up for a 2-count but Jinder replied with a side kick, nearly decapitating Roode. The action headed back to ringside again as Roode hit Mahal with a flying clothesline from the apron.
Back in the ring, Roode got a nearfall off a blockbuster. He went for the Glorious DDT but Jinder countered before both men took each other down.
Jinder went to hit a Khallas but Roode countered with a Glorious DDT for the 3-count.
Bobby Roode def. Jinder Mahal
